Here's a recap of the past couple of meals I've made.
Since I'm now done with school, I have a lot more time on my hands. So that means that I can now put a little more effort into my cooking instead of PB&J sandwiches and ramen. Someone should really do a study on how incredibly unhealthy it is to work and be a student. I think I took a few years off of my life...
Matt requested Coq au Vin last wednesday so I threw together this meal:
Since I'm now done with school, I have a lot more time on my hands. So that means that I can now put a little more effort into my cooking instead of PB&J sandwiches and ramen. Someone should really do a study on how incredibly unhealthy it is to work and be a student. I think I took a few years off of my life...
Matt requested Coq au Vin last wednesday so I threw together this meal:
The big bowl is the coq au vin. The little bowl is some creamy mashed potatoes. Matt brought the wine and beer and I lit some candles. Those two things took almost 2 hours to make. So I got lazy and made a salad (not pictured...obviously). At least we had a veggie! (not counting the potato)
Close up
Shoulda cleaned the bowl, oops
Tonight, I bought some shrimp and used the leftover bacon and cream to make myself some shrimp in a white wine cream sauce on top of stir-fried cabbage, snow peas, garlic and mushrooms. I stir fried the veggies first and them in the same pan, browned the bacon for the fat and cooked my shrimp and made a pan sauce from the drippings
I really need to build a camera stand with lighting or something. My picture taking skills are totally ghetto.
I also watched the Runaways tonight because it has been sitting in my purse for about a month! (Damn you Netflix! Damn you and your unlimited DVD's and my inability to watch and you gouging me on price!)
It was a good movie, highly recommended
That is all :)
Oh I almost forgot! Matt bought the Kinect on sunday night and we played ourselves silly. My shoulders and ass hurt. You're welcome
NOW that is all.
- 9:31 PM