Pork Stir Fry and Green Beans

4:54 PM

I can't remember when I made this because I haven't updated this blog for a while. oops! Life's been pretty busy but with fun things so I'm not complaining :D

This is pork with kohlrabi, apples, garlic and onions with a little white wine. I found a recipe online since I found some kohlrabi at the farmers market that I wanted to try out.

Here's a shot a little farther away to show some more of the ingredients

I also stir fried some gorgeous green beans that I got from the same farmers market

I was supposed to make a spicy sauce with almonds and what not but used some left over romesco sauce from a previous recipe. Shhh, it still tasted good! Kind of like spicy garlic black bean sauce


It's been a pretty packed couple of weeks. I went to Disneyland with a bunch of awesome girls from my church, the first time I've been back to Disneyland since high school. We spent probably 14+ hours in the park and went on 17 rides (including some repeats like Buzz Lightyear) and only waited in a long line once because we took advantage of the fast passes. So awesome!

I also started kickboxing classes which are pretty painful. It made me really wonder why I live in a third floor walkup. Ah well, maybe I'll get good enough to lay some good kicks :)

Besides that, I've been working at a new job for about a month. I'm moving into my own office on Monday which I'm super excited about. I actually get four walls and a door! Sadly, no window, but that's okay. I can't complain, it has a door! Door's are important for days when you just want to close the door and cry...oh, wait, that was my old job, hopefully that doesn't happen again!

Oh yeah, Happy Chinese New Year! I'm off to go stuff myself again with hot pot and to get a red envelope, which btw, is an awesome reason to stay unmarried. Red envelopes FTW!

Haha, Happy New Year!

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