Veggies, Fried Chicken and Fog
11:25 PM
I'm FINALLY done with my gigantic work project. I can't even begin to express how wonderful it feels to be done and back to a normal schedule. Unfortunately, I still have a ton of work to do but at least I can leave every day at 5pm and to me, that's a vacation in itself.
So this is the first night that I've been able to cook. I've mostly just been eating restaurant meals and I jumped at the chance to make some good food for myself.
All dishes are from the cookbook Veganomicon
The first is a dish called Spaghetti Squash Mexicana with Tropical Avocado Salsa Fresca
Long name
It consisted of a black bean mixture which is black beans, red wine, corn, spices and garlic
It also includes spaghetti squash but I couldn't find that at the store so I used butternut squash instead
The final piece is the tropical salsa fresca and it's basically a tropical fruit (pineapple, mango or papaya)

I needed protein and some good fat (not chips) in my system so I baked a halibut filet

Final product!

I also made a corn chowder with basil and tomato
Final product!
(the lighting really sucks..)
The last piece was saffron-garlic rice
It had a base of onion and garlic
Along with a vegetable broth flavored with saffron threads
So much better than sandwiches!
Oh, salame was on sale so I had to indulge with some blue cheese and wine :D
A few weeks ago when I got back from Europe, Matt and I headed up to San Francisco to watch American Idiot
It was fantastic and we hung out for a bit in the city. We had drinks at an Irish pub and then went to Farmerbrowns for fried chicken!!
I die.. so good
We took 280 back which has some of the best scenery as you head to the city and back. I absolutely love watching the fog roll over the hills. So cool and a little trippy like a slow motion non-harmful tsunami of water vapor.
I think I had a bit too much wine