Dinner, Movie and Wanderlust

11:53 PM

Tonight I had my friend Carla over for dinner and to watch the movie Janapar that I got from the world domination summit.

I decided, since it was a wanderlust kind of movie, to make an international menu with thai roast chicken, indian rice, jicama and orange salad and a japanese steamed rice cake for dessert. I used recipes from 3 different cookbooks; I was quite proud of myself

Oh, but before I go into that dinner, here's a picture of the goat cheese souffle that I made from The Art of Simple Cooking. Yay!

Oh and I made braised pork spare ribs because I couldn't find beef and what not and so on

On to dinner. 

I prepped most of the stuff the night before dinner like marinating the chicken and steaming the rice cakes. Below is my ghetto fantastic steamer set up. It's a cookie cutter inside of a pot.

I made two cakes: one with matcha powder and one that was regular (coconut milk, sugar, flour)

So steam steam away and long story short....I let it steam too hot and for too long. The water boiled off. The pan became super heated. The cookie cutter coloring melted (paint coated metal cutter). It smelled like death and hatred inside of my apartment and when I tried to add more water, it just super heated and ran around the pan. And then I found this....

Explosion...It also tasted like chemical death

So I tried again with a cleaned out pot, new cookie cutter and watched this one carefully. It looked great! Except for when I cut into the super-heated-chemical-death-matcha-powder one and discovered that it was still raw inside.

Ah well, sometimes genius needs a good nights rest............

Tonight, day of dinner, I quickly made the salad of jicama sticks, orange slices, hot paprika from Hungary (thanks mom and dad!) and a dressing of lime juice, olive oil and salt (easiest dressing ever!). Then put it into the fridge to chill while I roasted the chicken

Chicken got roasty-toasty for about an hour with the convection fan on while I made a delicious indian rice. The rice consisted of apple, shallots, turmeric and butter all cooked inside of my rice cooker. So good and super easy. After the chicken was finished roasting, I reduced the temp in the oven to 300 and baked off the non-chemical death rice cake in a water bath for about an hour

Then we watched Janapar! And marveled at the wonder and the adorableness that was its love story. Dawwwwwww

And then when the cake was done, I took it out of the ramekin, poured on some of the matcha simple syrup that I made earlier and went to town on this majorly fluffy and decadent slice of heaven

Oh, and I put in an Amazon order for mini ramekins, a steamer tray and a new rice cooker that has a porridge cycle! Now I can tackle more recipes in my rice cooker cookbook!

Such an incredible night of good food and wonderful friend bonding time while watching an adorable movie that fueled more wanderlust

Le sigh..

Oh darling, let's be adventurers

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