Cooking mojo...
11:07 AMI think I may have lost my cooking mojo
Not sure when it happened, but lately, even when I read a delicious sounding recipe I immediately think, "Wow, this is going to take way too much EFFORT" and then I end up making some rice or popcorn
Last night I at least made myself roast some vegetables only because I didn't want them to get gross in my fridge
Made some rice and voila, dinner....and today's lunch.....and tonight's dinner probably
Maybe it's the weather, or maybe it's because I have felt like crap every morning (I usually wake up with pounding headaches and a phlegm-y cough)
Hopefully I get my cooking mojo back because fall is a great time to make the comfy cozy classics, veggie style! (Yes, I'm still a veggie, it isn't a fad, closer to vegan now that I've finished my eggs and cheese and just by sheer luck, have no dairy products in the house)
I didn't post a picture of this, but I ended up cooking a sugar pumpkin last week. It didn't taste like anything probably because I didn't season it well, but it was an interesting experience cooking a gourd. Unlike my spaghetti squash incident, it was a lot easier to cleaver in half too.
Oh! I did start knitting a new blanket last night. It's a cable knit throw with this really cuddly yarn. My plan is to create the blanket with one pattern from top to bottom but changing colors when the yarn runs out so hopefully it'll look more gradient in color changing than jarring, but we'll just have to see. Pictures possibly to come when I've knit more than a row...
Anyway, I should get back to work but at least I'm comforted in the fact that I have a nice knitting project waiting for me and that no one will judge my choice of dinner entrees :)
Love, the J9