First summer vacation trip
10:35 PMYay! It's officially summer vacation! The grades are slowly rolling in and I'm anxiously watching as my GPA drops just a little bit each time. I have 2 out of 3 so far so I'm praying that the last one is good. I don't start class again until July 6th so I get a little time off to myself. My summer class is going to be brutal so I will probably have to shut myself off in a cave and study.
Anyway! Summer plans! So far, all I've really accomplished is attempting to clean, cooking a little and working on some crafts.
Like this one:
This is a little hat with bear ear (not sure if they really came out well) for my friend Joelle's little one who will grace us with her presence later this year. It's a little big but at least she'll get more useful years out of it.
And yes, I propped it on top of my shaker to take the picture, not influencing the baby to be a lush
Moving on...
Matt and I went to Santa Cruz last weekend on our friday off because we wanted to. We drove down to Wilder Ranch State Park and hiked the Old Landing Cove Trail that follows the coast
Trailhead was right at the end of the parking lot
We walked along the cliffs and took little detours to look off the edge at the water
Found a pretty little cove along the way
And found a little beach that we could climb down to
I found this really cool rock. I guess the water must reach pretty high into that cove/beach because the rock was smooth and covered in holes
We also saw a lot of animals along the trail
Really fat squirrel
And a rabbit
So that was our nature adventure. This weekend, we're going to Monterey, mostly to eat at a restaurant named Nepenthe's which is supposed to have the best view of the Monterey bay and ocean ever. They have a patio with amphitheater seating where you can have lunch and look over the water, enjoy a nice glass of wine and the beautiful California sunshine. Can't wait! It'll be really nice to get out of town.
I guess in other news, one of my contracts coworkers keeps instigating one of our engineers. All of us really want to put the engineer in her place because all I hear from her conversations is, "Blah blah blah, I'm more important than you, blah blah" and "Please inform so and so that I am the TECHNICAL MANAGER, and it is disrespectful to address as anything else" to which I reply, "But you're not a manager..."
Anyway, all day today, they kept emailing each other back and forth arguing over what her "official" title should be in our reports to our customer. She kept insisting she was the manager. My contracts coworker, he kept insisting that our actual manager should be the....manager
This went on....
All day...
Finally, he pulls ME into the fray stating, "I just wanted to pull you under the bus with the rest of the contracts team"
My only response: "Maybe under the bus is the best place to be in this situation, it'll be my new happy place"
And then I put my gigantic headphones back on and proceeded to ignore the world of crazies. I really need to utilize my "Caution, Keep Out" neon yellow construction sign more often, or convince my manager to let me put a door up in front of my cubicle