Midweek check-in

2:04 PM

I know, it's been a while..

I do have some pictures from my weekend in Santa Cruz. Wood littered beach, dead seal, beer and my glorious Borders haul

So far, since Monday, I haven't returned home before 9pm and haven't eaten what I would consider an appropriate dinner for the past week

I think last night was some gummi candies and coffee

They were really insanely, incredibly gross

At least I got them free from the cafe in my business building

And yes, I did check to see if my boobs were falling out of my shirt (they weren't). Maybe the guy just knew that I had picked the most disgusting item they sold or maybe he just saw the crazed expression and the black bags beneath my eyes and knew that I'd probably kill him through eyeball deathray if he said something

This school thing is going to kill me or scare that poor guy who works in the cafe who looks at me crazy when I order a nonfat latte

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